It's My Life

Monday, August 05, 2013

I wish

posted from Bloggeroid

Saturday, August 01, 2009



Monday, August 27, 2007

Move..Move..We've got to move!!!!

Want to say I am Sorry for leaving my Blogspot without any updated post..well now, you can meet me in my new space for narcism (hehe)..I ask you to visit and join me in :

Even Peter Petrelli will be there too..hehehe..C U There!!Tuh kannnn....udah diliatin...pindah yuuukkk....:)

Friday, May 04, 2007

Guys Like That I'm Sensitive..uuuhh..

Udah lama gak ikut kuis...ikutan lagi aahhh...

Guys Like That You're Sensitive

And not in that "cry at a drop of a hat" sort of way
You just get most guys - even if you're not trying to
Guys find it is easy to confide in you and tell you their secrets
No wonder you tend to get close quickly in relationships!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Ikutan Agloco buat nyari duit niihhh.....

You Deserve To Be Paid

Things are not fair on the Internet.

Companies are making tons of money off us left and right. Every time we buy something, watch an ad, ev
en search the Internet, money is getting dealt all around us. And we don¹t see a cent.

There is one c
ompany out there that wants to change all that. It¹s called AGLOCO (short for ³A Global Community²) and their slogan is ³Get Your Share of the Internet². If we join, they will collect some of the money that usually passes between companies and give that money back to US. After all, we¹re the ones that generated it.

When Google launched, a great search for
free was a good deal. Now that Google is making over a billion dollars a month off our searches, obviously FREE IS TOO EXPENSIVE.

If Google can afford to pay AOL 10 ce
nts per search (which they do), they can afford to pay us the same. AGLOCO want to help us make that happen.

So check out AGLOCO and sign-up. If
we build the community and refer other members, AGLOCO recognizes that we¹re the ones making them valuable and we make more money. Sign up by clicking this link: It has my referral ID in it and I get instant credit. Thanks!


Note : Eh..ini bukan becandaan loh..dan gak ada salahnya dicoba..member saat ini di Indonesia sudah ribuan. Memang keuntungan blm didapat, karena viewbar yg nantinya dipasang di layar komputer kita itu masih sedang dibuat. Jadi sekarang saatnya membangun kelompok member sebanyak banyaknya. Soon after the viewbar arrive, kita bisa internetan terus dan dibayar..hehe..senangnyaaa...">

Monday, April 23, 2007

I want to sing again

Yup...pengen banget bisa bernyanyi-nyanyi lagi..

kemarin gue nonton konser Serafim, di gedung BPPT. Serafim itu paduan suara yang dulu pernah g ikutin dari SD sampe SMP. Dan g berenti karna ngerasa udah ketuaan aja. Dan sekarang adek gue yg paling kecil yang nerusin.

Sementara sesudah itu, gue ikutan paduan suara di kampus untuk acara wisuda. Dan menjelang lulus kuliah, gue ikutan PS di gereja di Bandung. Dan sesudah itu I Quit...karna gue sibuk sendiri dan bingung aja mau ikutan apaan. Di gereja gue sekarang gak ada PS..kerja di EO gak jelas jam kerjanya...dan lagi-lagi gue ngerasa udah ketuaan lagi..jadi ingat PS Ibu2 yang kalo manggung pake kebaya dan konde segede apa tau deh tuh...duuhh..akyu gak mau kayak ityuuu....
Dan akhirnya Alpha meracuni..hehe..gak deng..alpha yg baik ngajak gue ikutan PS Cosmopolitan..yang anggotanya juga orang-orang pekerja, yg bisanya latihan malem dan blm tentu bisa selalu datang..wah..cocok...dan ikutanlah gue..

Duh..rasanya seneng banget deh bisa nyanyi nyanyi lagi..sayangnya 2 minggu ini g gak latihan, ada aja halangan..maaf ya teman-teman C-Choir...

Dan karna kemarin...ikut nonton konser PS itu..belum lagi ditambah sama panitianya yg memang dari dulu tetap sama, dan ngedorong dorong gue untuk ikutan lagi..karna sekarang PS nya ada 2, yg anak-anak dan dewasa. Dan kalau denger konser kemarin..duhh..keren bgt!!!Cinta deh g!!Mereka nyanyiin New york-New york dan ada satu lagu yg gue naksir banget tapi ampe skrg g gak tau judulnya..hiks..dan serunya lagi..semua anggota PS dewasanya cewek..dan suaranya keren-keren..karna ada beberapa lagu yg ada soloisnya..wih...ampe merinding dengernya..

Really really...i want to sing again...karaokean yuuuukkk.....hehehe.....

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Girl: Slow down, I'm scared.
Guy: No, this is fun.
Girl: No it's not. Please it's too scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
Girl : *hugs him*
Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on yourself? It's bugging me.
Girl: Alright, now slow down
Guy: I love you babe
Girl: I love you too, please just slow down now! Please...

(in the paper the next day):
"A motorcycle had crashed into a building becauseof brake failure. Two people
were on it, but only 1had survived."

The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he
didn'twant to let the girl know.
Instead, he had her say she loved him and felt her hug one last time, then he wanted her to wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die.

If u love any one this much re-post this ....and....the love of your life will realize
they feelthe same .... DONT BREAK ........................

Pernah dapat postingan ini ? Terlepas dari ini adalah surat berantai yang biasanya menuntut kita untuk mengirimkan ke banyak orang, isi postingan ini bener2bikin gue tersenyum sedih gt deh..wondering..emangnya ada cinta yang sampai segitunya???Hayoooo......atau menurut kamu..gak masuk akal? atau kenapa gak si cowok begini..atau begitu..atau apalah...

Kalau menurut kamu??

PeSaN PeNdEkkU


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